Sunday, January 24, 2010

Twitter is all a buzz after the #RRWC

My experience at the Roanoke Regional Writers Conference was inspiring, energetic, and moving. Moving because it made me want to move my pencil. Move my life forward. Move stories and lives, like those around me.

It was in Janet Jaquith's class, The Personal Essay, that I thought: I LOVE being an artist. How lucky are we, to be among one another? To learn from one another?

And although Janet's class was about radio, and I am not a radio journalist, it spoke to me in so many ways. I love radio. I've always found it to be this fantastically raw form of media. Media at its finest. I just don't think I truly understood why I loved radio until Janet's class. It was as if I discovered it all over again; through the personal essay.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Roanoke Regional Writers Conference

Tonight I am going to the Roanoke Regional Writers Conference at Hollins University in Roanoke, Virginia.

The event is hosted by Dan Smith of Valley Business Front Magazine and it features workshops from several area writers and editors. It takes place tonight and tomorrow. See the schedule. You can still register (pay $50 at the door) or contact Dan Smith at

For more information visit:

I hope to see you there!
